I have avoided addressing this point because it has been addressed by science in the past (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Sage’s_theory_of_gravitation). I also felt it was irrelevant as the origin of gravity tends to be speculative while other points Roy Masters has made are in the realm of more fully concrete and established physics. Roy did, recently, touch upon the issue of black holes (also claiming to have “predicted them” 60 years ago*). It has occurred to me that black holes are a handy way to show that gravity is not a pushing force.

Here goes: Near a black hole there is so much gravity a person will weigh an enormous amount- perhaps 1 million pounds. If not sucked into the hole, the force will crush the person readily. In accordance with “push” gravity this would be due to the notion that the person in free space (away from any massive objects) is being pushed on from all sides by the river of gravity (in some conjectures actual particles), but here the black hole is shielding the gravity flow from one side. There is then a net push on the person toward the black hole. —– OK. Therefore, there is at least 1 million pounds of force pushing on us from gravity. Under enough gravity we know that matter becomes condensed into a much finer volume (e.g., electron orbits become much smaller). When far away from a black hole, for example here on a puny planet we call Earth, the force is going to be 1 million pounds from all directions. However, we aren’t crushed. The explanation is that the gravity is originating from the massive object.

I will elaborate later as necessary. I will presently reiterate that Roy Masters is technically incompetent and lies (like a mutt) when he says he is super amenable to seeing errors in his reasoning. He meticulously avoids proper confrontation. On the topic of physics he hasn’t a shred of legitimate integrity.


* The relativistic prediction of black holes goes back to 1916.