The person whose correspondence lead to the page “Responses To This Site” commented: “Roy gets it just as right as any researcher these days. I speak about researchers looking into ozone holes, global warming, climate change, cancer, big bang, evolution theory, anthropology and the history of man, gravity, and string theory. There is no discipline, logic, common sense involved with any of those so-called theories, concepts or research. It is all total hogwash. Those concepts are all garbage. They are not moving physics or other areas of science forward they are moving physics back to the dark ages. Astrophysicists do not even understand the solar system, gravity, or the universe.”


I’d like to take this paragraph apart. First, Roy is not a “researcher” in physics or chemistry. He talks out of his arrogant and ignorant ass with no technical discipline of any kind.


Ozone depletion may be arguable, but it is in fact based on understanding the chemical attack which chlorofluorocarbons have on the ozone molecule.


Global warming and climate change may also be arguable. However, the arguments are based on measurements of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere over the last several decades, as well as rapid glacial melting.


The “big bang” is based on astronomical observation and exhautive calculations.


Evolution theory is based on understanding human chemistry, detailed experiments (e.g., fruit fly studies) and the fossil record. I remember Roy once mentioning that he thought that God put fossils on Earth to “test man’s faith”. What the creationist doesn’t consider is that belief in creationism is the blasphemy. It presumes that you do not find God in objective, scientific reality. Perhaps, by definition, it is exactly where one finds God.

Anthropology is a solid, detailed science.

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